Thursday, October 19, 2006

In his written article “Clichéd Arguments against capital punishment”, Wesley Lowe argues and supports capital punishment or commonly known, the death penalty. The problem with the article is that Lowe never fully gives his own personal opinion of why he is in favor of the death penalty. He heavily uses quotes and or references to state his own viewpoint. He indirectly tries to state that death penalty abolitionists are trying to preserve murders and killers, when he says “Abolitionists tend to focus on the death penalty's physical aspects to demonstrate that it is the same as murder while completely ignoring its moral aspects involved, therefore, demonstrating their total lack of moral coherence. That isn’t the case. Abolitionists oppose the death penalty because it is discriminatory, unfair, not a deterrent of crime and killing human life is morally wrong under ALL circumstances.

As a Democratic nation, capital punishment doesn’t belong in our system. There have been 118 countries that have abolished the death penalty in law or practice. Most European countries and Latin America have abolished capital punishment over the last fifty years, except the US, most democracies in Asia and totalitarian governments. According to Amnesty International’s annual report on official judicial executions, in 2004 there were 3,797 executions in 25 countries. 90% of the executions were performed in China. The remaining top four were Iran (230), Vietnam (64), United States (59), followed by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Singapore, Yemen and Egypt. As the shining beacon of liberty, justice and equality, the home of the free and land of the brave, being in the company of authoritarian and tyrannical regimes is a blemish on a this country’s documentation.

Over the years support for the death penalty has diminished. According to a Gallop opinion poll done in October 2005, 64% supported it. Down from 80% in 1994, a 27-year low. A good reason is because of the allowance of DNA evidence that has freed a number of people on death row and from wrongful convictions. 122 people have been taken off death row since 1973 due to evidence that was allowed in the case, particular the allowance of DNA testing. Wrongful convictions often result from false confessions, mistaken eyewitnesses, and prosecutorial abuse.

The death penalty is unfair towards race, class, and gender. Support for the death penalty has also waned because of the increasing availability of life without parole sentences, which are not, provided all but one of the death penalty. The death penalty also costs society more than life in prison. It costs a state more in prosecuting a death penalty case because it drains money that can be used for education and social programs. Convicted murders can be sentenced to lengthy prison terms, including life like in countries that have abolished the death penalty. Currently 47 states have life sentences without the possibility of parole, and 18 have at least no chances of parole.

People who support the death penalty give the reason that it deters crime. If someone plans to kill another person, they will be petrified of the chance that they themselves would be put to death. That isn’t the case. Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, the south has had 80% of the executions and that region has the highest murder rate. The Northeast has the lowest murder rate and has accounted for less than 1% of the executions.

Lowe’s take and defense on capital punishment is idealistic to put it short and lacks any depth. What is moral about executing another human being? Would Jesus be for the death penalty too Mr. Lowe? I am sure he knows something about torture and punishment. Lowe also never states where he stands on the execution of minors and people with mental disabilities. My guess is that it is had to defend the killing of minors and the mentally challenged from a moral stand point as he tries to argue.

It is time to put the death penalty away for good. It is immoral, unfair and discriminatory. Innocent people are wrongfully convicted. It is not a remedy or prevention of future crime. In a civilized society like this, why do we need a practice that is a barbaric remnant of an uncivilized society? It is time for capital punishment to be put to sleep. The Archbishop of Washington, Catholic Cardinal McCarrick said it best “The death penalty diminished all of us, increases disrespect for human life, and offers the tragic illusion that we can teach that killing is wrong by killing”. I couldn’t agree more.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The current sex scandal involving Republican Mark Foley is unique and also a indirect benefit for the GOP. Iraq is off the table, so is the supposed showdown with Iran and a whole number of issues such as the economy, illegal immigration, warrantless wire tapping etc. The extra pizzazz with this, is Foley represents the party of "Morals and Intergrity" as they like to call themselves. Apparently, house republicans knew of Foley's behavior as early as 2001 and have been trying to sweep it under the rug. House republican leadership can't barely keep on their talking points message with so many holes to fill. It turns out he[Foley] is another one of this false followers of the word of God and another fack hypercritically social conservative like most of them. Other lists of GOP sex scandals are available here.
More available here to.

October is here and the campaign season is in full swing, training camp is over and soon we will all be flooded with [sic] campaign ads telling us where candidate X "stands" on the issue(s). But we all know, at least those of us that actually read and not "feel the news", that they say what ever corporation brand batteries that they have in their backs. Politician $ee money, politician do. What i have noticed is that candidates running as Republicans for congress discreetly don't have "Republican" any where in their campaigns whether it is a tv, newspaper or web ad.

Another interesting fact, Super lobbyists Jack Abramoff knew that Bush and the Neo-Cons would attack Iraq by March, 2002. Cash has always rained supreme in the District of Criminals.

The war plans for Iran where already drawn up long ago and secret military deploys and exercise are being exercised in and outside of Iran. Iran fully knows that it is not if, but when bombs would be falling down on Tehran.

Bush knows he has to deal with Iran before he leaves office to make sure access to Oil and stategic military bases are secure. Bush will bomb Iran and it is also in Israel's interest to stay a military power and monoploy for a distablelized. They have been preparing for a full blown invasion or aerial assault since last year and have been building up defenses. The Uk says war plan with Iran is on.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

If you take a look at the current political landscape especially in the District of Criminals, you would understand why only half of the people vote in this county. In the 2004 Election we had a "choice" between pro-war Kerry and pro-war Bush. People are tired of the corruption and hostility that these "statesmen" have towards each other. We are tired of being thrown to the curb because our wallets aren't fat enough, or that we don't know any "nice girls" that like secret relationships. That DC air must have changed their outlook and view on our system of governing and democracy.

One can say where is the love? Maybe they don't have the same passion for the job as other politicians from around the world do.

Maybe if someone yelled "Pork barrel fight" they would get in a frenzy, they would start to give a damn then.

Not all of us a have a rich daddy or known member of the Illuminati. That means the rest of "us" are handicapped or closed out in the political system. But however bad the chances may seem, this is America, and there is always a chance. To be president, you only have to be 35 years old and naturally born on US soil. You might some trouble getting elected by other people, especially if you are brown and or a woman. At least their some politicians who are willing to stand up and fight.

Every now and then, some one comes along and decides to run for public office, even if the profession they are leaving behind might turn away the majority of voters. This 2006 election cycle, we have that two of a kind, unique candidates. Mimi Miyagi, the Asian-American porn actress and star of such films as "Seoul Train" and "China Vagina", officially declared her candidacy to run for governor of Nevada earlier this spring as a Republican.

If you follow politics like me, this reminds you of Mary carey's run for Governor of California in 2002 and her bid to current bid defeat ARNOLD this year. Her site is here for office and her "other site here" and bio.

Thesw two lovely and good ladies who bring alot of joy and happiness to many people deserve to have to opportunity to spread their charity on humanity. The political system needs some pizzazz and excitement from REAL normal people.
If you pay attention to the government owned and operated "main stream media", it would seem as if Iran inriching Uranium and trying to have Nuclear power was a BIG no-no. Silly westerner, only western "democracies" can have nuclear power. Immediately, like always Israel was jumping up and down, saying ludicrous statements and how Iran plans to destroy Israel. Completely false and made up. Surprise, suprise the media let that one slide too. The Iranian people are not Jew haters. In fact they like the American people, but don't like the American government. Just like many people around the world and certainly here just outside Washington D.C. The only people who haven't picked up on the lie, is the public, who "read" and "watch" the msm. Iran enriching Uranium is NOT a threat to the U.S and it's "ally" Israel. Israel and their lobby are demanding that the US act more forcefully on the issue!!!

Below are a few questions that should be critically looked at and analyzed by any supporter of Israel, God's chosen people. They can do no wrong. Right?

1-Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?

2-Question: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections?

3-Question: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?

4-Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?

5-Question: What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice sometimes called exporting terrorism)?

6-Question: In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed?

7-Question: What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?

8-Question: What country in the Middle East created 762,000 refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses?

9-Question: What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?

10-Question: In what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United Nations diplomat assassinated?
: In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?

12-Question: What country in the Middle East blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters, killing 34 and wounding 171 American sailors?

13-Question: What country in the Middle East employed a spy, Jonathan Pollard, to steal classified documents and then gave some of them to the Soviet Union?

14-Question: What country at first denied any official connection to Pollard, then voted to make him a citizen and has continuously demanded that the American president grant Pollard a full pardon?
15-Question: What Middle East country allows American Jewish murderers to flee to its country to escape punishment in the United States and refuses to extradite them once in their custody?

16-Question: What Middle East country preaches against hate yet builds a shrine and a memorial for a murderer who killed 29 Palestinians while they prayed in their Mosque.

17-Question: What country on Planet Earth has the second most powerful lobby in the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders?

18-Question: Which country in the Middle East deliberately targeted a U.N. Refugee Camp in Qana, Lebanon and killed 103 innocent men, women, and especially children?

19-Question: Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29 more by U.S. vetoes?

20-Question: Which country in the Middle East receives more than one-third of all U.S. aid yet is the 16th richest country in the world?

21-Question: Which country in the Middle East receives U.S. weapons for free and then sells the technology to the Republic of China even at the objections of the U.S.?

22-Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely insults the American people by having its Prime Minister address the United States Congress and lecturing them like children on why they have no right to reduce foreign aid?

<>23-Question: Which country in the Middle East had its Prime Minister announce to his staff not to worry about what the United States says because "We control America?"

: What country in the Middle East was cited by Amnesty International for demolishing more than 4000 innocent Palestinian homes as a means of ethnic cleansing.

25-Question: Which country in the Middle East has just recently used a weapon of mass destruction, a one-ton smart bomb, dropping it in the center of a highly populated area killing 15 civilians includingchildren?

26-Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely kills young Palestinian children for no reason other than throwing stones at armored vehicles, bulldozers, or tanks?

27-Question: Which country in the Middle East signed the Oslo Accords promising to halt any new Jewish Settlement construction, but instead, has built more than 270 new settlements since the signing?

The answer to all questions is Israel. Why is it whenever someone criticizes Israel they are immediately called anti-semetic? It's very juvenile and Israel, and their supporters have to put an end throwing that term around. Not everyone who criticizes Israel is a Neo-Nazi. Why can't we judge a country that violates numerous U.N and International treaties and laws. Why, because they are "Gods" people. What does that make the rest of us, God's rejects? I am not being Anti-Semetic on this issue, but their Government needs to be stopped. The illegal occupation of Palestine will ONLY make matters worse for Israel. Especially since birth rates for israel are falling and Palestinians rising or staying the same. If you can procreate, you will over come your oppressor. There is power in numbers. The occupations also affects the children of Palestine. It only creates hostility and a good farm system for recruting future members of Hamas.

Just like the United States Government needs to be stopped, Isral should be stopped. Especially with the Neo-Cons at the driving wheel.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Fellow political junkies, such as i, have been carefully watching the slow build up for Hillary "Rob them" Clinton ''08 Presidential bid. This week we learned that she will be have a fundraiser hosted by Rupert Murdoch, owner of Faux "News" this coming summer. This isn't being taken well with the left. The corporate right wing is trying to force her down the Lefts' throat as the "best" choice for the Democrats in 2008. As a independent democrat, many people center of left like me, we won't be easily blinded by the propaganda for Hillary. First lets see, Hillary supports the unjust and illegal war in Iraq, that benefits no one but multi-national corporations, international bankers and of course Israel( and no i am not some neo nazi), which is held to a double standard compared to other nations in the region. She has critized Bush for being soft with Iran.
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She is one of the DC beltway corporate Democrats. Just look at her political contributins. She has connections to Wal-Mart, a company that has numereous violations regarding labor, human rights, environmental and business.
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She is for gun "control" just like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. When will she and other so called gun control advocates such as Michael Moore, and Arnold Schwarzenegger admit that there is a RIGHT to bare arms in the US constitution, which is a good thing. Citizens that can protect themselves and their family will always be safe from danger. Just look at the history of Switzerland during World War Two. It was the one country that Hitler knew that he couldn't attack and conquer because he knew that the Citizenry could was tried to use fire arms. I am for accountability and personal responsibility. People who are sane and law abiding will always follow the laws of the land. It is people who have little regard(s) or respect for laws that commit crimes. Guns do reduce crime and are a benefit to society. Democrats have to stop trying to have gun control from New York to Los Angeles. If NY wants less guns, let NY have guncontrol, don't try and force the issue down onto people who could vote democrat in states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio and Arizona.

Lastly she is a Globalist. She is a board member on the CFR( Council on Foreign Relations) . A secret organization that is hell bent on destroying the US Constitution.

If you are an observant listener and reader of History, you can already see what is happening in front of your eyes. Politicians like Hillary are already preparing to take control of power and rule. We know that she isn't the first and won't be the last. If she gets elected in '08 from 1988-2012 or 2016? it will be possibly 24-28 years of Bush/Clinton in the White house. The power elite do have a good farm system, unlike the Yankees and they can also buy off anyone that they see fit to continue the biding in public.

Hillary we know that you have always wanted to be President, better yet the first female President, ever since you were a little girl. On the journey up, you sold your soul to evil cobals of individuals and groups. Thrown out your ethics and morals by disregarding the laws of this country and put up with Bill's misadventures that were influenced by his private parts. You have come so far, but like a marathon, the last mile is the hardest and trying to walk into the White house will be your biggest challenge from the right, center and especially the Left. Just because you have connections doesn't mean everyone will choose or accept you. Things don't always turn out the way you hope they do and i am sure that you are well aware of that.

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