Fellow political junkies, such as i, have been carefully watching the slow build up for Hillary "Rob them" Clinton ''08 Presidential bid. This week we learned that she will be have a fundraiser hosted by Rupert Murdoch, owner of Faux "News" this coming summer. This isn't being taken well with the left. The corporate right wing is trying to force her down the Lefts' throat as the "best" choice for the Democrats in 2008. As a independent democrat, many people center of left like me, we won't be easily blinded by the propaganda for Hillary. First lets see, Hillary supports the unjust and illegal war in Iraq, that benefits no one but multi-national corporations, international bankers and of course Israel( and no i am not some neo nazi), which is held to a double standard compared to other nations in the region. She has critized Bush for being soft with Iran.
She is one of the DC beltway corporate Democrats. Just look at her political contributins. She has connections to Wal-Mart, a company that has numereous violations regarding labor, human rights, environmental and business.
She is for gun "control" just like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. When will she and other so called gun control advocates such as Michael Moore, and Arnold Schwarzenegger admit that there is a RIGHT to bare arms in the US constitution, which is a good thing. Citizens that can protect themselves and their family will always be safe from danger. Just look at the history of Switzerland during World War Two. It was the one country that Hitler knew that he couldn't attack and conquer because he knew that the Citizenry could was tried to use fire arms. I am for accountability and personal responsibility. People who are sane and law abiding will always follow the laws of the land. It is people who have little regard(s) or respect for laws that commit crimes. Guns do reduce crime and are a benefit to society. Democrats have to stop trying to have gun control from New York to Los Angeles. If NY wants less guns, let NY have guncontrol, don't try and force the issue down onto people who could vote democrat in states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio and Arizona.
Lastly she is a Globalist. She is a board member on the CFR( Council on Foreign Relations) . A secret organization that is hell bent on destroying the US Constitution.
If you are an observant listener and reader of History, you can already see what is happening in front of your eyes. Politicians like Hillary are already preparing to take control of power and rule. We know that she isn't the first and won't be the last. If she gets elected in '08 from 1988-2012 or 2016? it will be possibly 24-28 years of Bush/Clinton in the White house. The power elite do have a good farm system, unlike the Yankees and they can also buy off anyone that they see fit to continue the biding in public.
Hillary we know that you have always wanted to be President, better yet the first female President, ever since you were a little girl. On the journey up, you sold your soul to evil cobals of individuals and groups. Thrown out your ethics and morals by disregarding the laws of this country and put up with Bill's misadventures that were influenced by his private parts. You have come so far, but like a marathon, the last mile is the hardest and trying to walk into the White house will be your biggest challenge from the right, center and especially the Left. Just because you have connections doesn't mean everyone will choose or accept you. Things don't always turn out the way you hope they do and i am sure that you are well aware of that.
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