Thursday, June 15, 2006

If you take a look at the current political landscape especially in the District of Criminals, you would understand why only half of the people vote in this county. In the 2004 Election we had a "choice" between pro-war Kerry and pro-war Bush. People are tired of the corruption and hostility that these "statesmen" have towards each other. We are tired of being thrown to the curb because our wallets aren't fat enough, or that we don't know any "nice girls" that like secret relationships. That DC air must have changed their outlook and view on our system of governing and democracy.

One can say where is the love? Maybe they don't have the same passion for the job as other politicians from around the world do.

Maybe if someone yelled "Pork barrel fight" they would get in a frenzy, they would start to give a damn then.

Not all of us a have a rich daddy or known member of the Illuminati. That means the rest of "us" are handicapped or closed out in the political system. But however bad the chances may seem, this is America, and there is always a chance. To be president, you only have to be 35 years old and naturally born on US soil. You might some trouble getting elected by other people, especially if you are brown and or a woman. At least their some politicians who are willing to stand up and fight.

Every now and then, some one comes along and decides to run for public office, even if the profession they are leaving behind might turn away the majority of voters. This 2006 election cycle, we have that two of a kind, unique candidates. Mimi Miyagi, the Asian-American porn actress and star of such films as "Seoul Train" and "China Vagina", officially declared her candidacy to run for governor of Nevada earlier this spring as a Republican.

If you follow politics like me, this reminds you of Mary carey's run for Governor of California in 2002 and her bid to current bid defeat ARNOLD this year. Her site is here for office and her "other site here" and bio.

Thesw two lovely and good ladies who bring alot of joy and happiness to many people deserve to have to opportunity to spread their charity on humanity. The political system needs some pizzazz and excitement from REAL normal people.

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