Monday, October 02, 2006

The current sex scandal involving Republican Mark Foley is unique and also a indirect benefit for the GOP. Iraq is off the table, so is the supposed showdown with Iran and a whole number of issues such as the economy, illegal immigration, warrantless wire tapping etc. The extra pizzazz with this, is Foley represents the party of "Morals and Intergrity" as they like to call themselves. Apparently, house republicans knew of Foley's behavior as early as 2001 and have been trying to sweep it under the rug. House republican leadership can't barely keep on their talking points message with so many holes to fill. It turns out he[Foley] is another one of this false followers of the word of God and another fack hypercritically social conservative like most of them. Other lists of GOP sex scandals are available here.
More available here to.

October is here and the campaign season is in full swing, training camp is over and soon we will all be flooded with [sic] campaign ads telling us where candidate X "stands" on the issue(s). But we all know, at least those of us that actually read and not "feel the news", that they say what ever corporation brand batteries that they have in their backs. Politician $ee money, politician do. What i have noticed is that candidates running as Republicans for congress discreetly don't have "Republican" any where in their campaigns whether it is a tv, newspaper or web ad.

Another interesting fact, Super lobbyists Jack Abramoff knew that Bush and the Neo-Cons would attack Iraq by March, 2002. Cash has always rained supreme in the District of Criminals.

The war plans for Iran where already drawn up long ago and secret military deploys and exercise are being exercised in and outside of Iran. Iran fully knows that it is not if, but when bombs would be falling down on Tehran.

Bush knows he has to deal with Iran before he leaves office to make sure access to Oil and stategic military bases are secure. Bush will bomb Iran and it is also in Israel's interest to stay a military power and monoploy for a distablelized. They have been preparing for a full blown invasion or aerial assault since last year and have been building up defenses. The Uk says war plan with Iran is on.

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